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  1. H

    Would u still do English

    Yes, clearly you need English! Basic English, spelling and grammar should be the "course" focus. People seem to lack this in abundance.
  2. H

    French President Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France

    Holy cow woman! what the hell is a "terrorest"? and why does "bible" get a capital letter but not the word Australian? seriously, how in "Allahs" name can you be in HSC and produce such an illiterate paragraph?
  3. H

    who loathes obama

    He has a nice rear, far greater than Bush, so whats not to "smooch". Umm ... why exactly have you formed this opinion? Right, because Obama was President when this all went down. And yes, over consumption under the Bush Administration. No, you mean the Republicans do not want more...
  4. H

    is geten in HARD!!!!!!!!!

    :) Ok, that was funny. Unfortunately there are so many people on this forum who post with such horrendous levels of English literacy, AND, they want to go to university?
  5. H

    is geten in HARD!!!!!!!!!

    I was refering to your level of English. "hahas nice"
  6. H

    is geten in HARD!!!!!!!!!

    My thoughts precisely.
  7. H

    is geten in HARD!!!!!!!!!

    Grade 1 fail.
  8. H

    My Sister's Keeper

    Oh i love this book, it's one of my favorites. I cried reading parts of it to. The ending was so sad. I can't wait to see the movie though.
  9. H

    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    Right, lets get rid of English as a compulsory subject. Thats just what we all need, more people who cannot construct a coherent, let alone articulate sentence. Take a look around at the poor levels of literacy clearly displayed in these forums. My gosh, people aren't even starting sentences...
  10. H

    is geten in HARD!!!!!!!!!

    You really need to concentrate on your English. Spelling and grammar are your friends. Other than that, if your determined enough, put in the work, anything can be possible.
  11. H

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    Earing pretty. Earing has sparkles and pretty stuff on it. Earing can match clothing and makeup. Shopping for earing fun. Girl like shopping. Girl like earing. Earing good. Me like muffins and brownies better. Smell better. Cheaper too. :)
  12. H

    Earrings are stupid and they look ugly

    Did someone stab you with an earing today?
  13. H

    French President Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France

    Umm, at what point did i reference Dubai as "an emirate that believes in freedom"?I made no such comparisons of the intricacies of both nations, rather the comparison was made on religious, east vs west elements. Eg; Islam vs Secular nations. I used Dubai as it was a city i had been to. I think...
  14. H

    French President Sarkozy says burqas are 'not welcome' in France

    Perhaps, but we do have restrictions on what clothes we can or cannot wear. In the end it's entirely up to France what they will, or won't tolerate in their own country. Just as we cannot immigrate to Islamic regions and start demanding to wear what ever we feel. They have laws regarding...
  15. H

    Stressing so much

    Are there any specific variety of texts you are working with? eg; poetry, novel ... If so which ones? we need more information to provide assistance.
  16. H

    what percentage of MQ is international students?

    I have no problem with international students paying bucket loads and coming here (especially when they go home after graduation), i have no problem with Asian immigration EXCEPT when it comes to the point that I'm out numbered in my own country! Why cant we balance out the immigration intake so...
  17. H

    what percentage of MQ is international students?

    Seriously, how many times do you people need to be reminded that Australia is a CONTINENT entirely separate (thank god) to the CONTINENT of Asia. Only Asians wish/think Australia is apart of their land. This whole international student statistics thread raises a commonly debated point. How is...
  18. H

    NAB to introduce Muslim-friendly loans

    Its simple; remove "Muslim" from the title of the loans. Any reference to sharia law will only elicit further rage, as anyone (other than Muslims) who has ever delved into matters of sharia law would understand its oppressive power. There was simply no need for NAB to advertise such a...
  19. H

    Why do Aussies give Aboriginal Aussies a hard time?

    In my legal class we were discussing the appointment of the US Presidency to an African American, our teacher said "maybe one day there might be an Aboriginal Prime Minister", a guy in my class piped up with "great! he will probably make every Friday a public holiday so we can get drunk". Plenty...
  20. H

    People with ethnic surnames discriminated against

    Clearly any name you have wont improve your chances of obtaining an interview. This survey is no skin off my back, I'm 4th generation Anglo-Celtic, nor am i obese, ugly or any of the other survey results ... However the point regarding fluency in the English language is extremely valid. How...