well my first topic was was sequences/series followed by geometrical applications of calculus, integration, logarithmic/ exponential function and trig functions
no just like Bush where he caused 9/11.
I don't wanna start a shitstorm or argument but 9/11 was an inside job. if if it wasn't then how come the FBI and CIA knew nothing about it? and besides the the telephone calls are staged such as this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icfkIH3j-nk
you mean this photo: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/executive-living/personal-oz-essentials/story-e6frg9zo-1226683951107?nk=78036973a60fab3cf8ce3500d377dead
Which of the following would reduce the level of protection for a domestic industry?
(A) Increasing the level of tariffs
(B) Increasing the size of subsidies
(C) Increasing the size of quotas on imports
(D) Increasing the use of embargoes