nah serz..
-probs work on building more muscle mass (hsc got in the way so far)
- probs maintain an active life so i dont get into the lazy psychosis again
doing sci-fi so cant mould the story in :'(
what topic r u doing?
and there is a 'non-school' section of the website
and i wanted a new account to prohibit myself from messaging ther
solicitors makes more money than barristers (if done right, shhh dont tell em)
nah not gonna practice
probs go into the political/activist/UN realm of things
if all falls apart i have that degree to run back 2
only pro about uts is that the campus is close to usyd so i can cry outside the front entrance for not getting in :'(
- nah im alright with uts.. 4 years, shortest degree (save 2 years of my life)