I got either 19 / 22 or 20/22 with the above answers I think (just didn't mark a few on the paper so I have to remember what I put down!). That's okay for me :)
No idea - maybe a little lower than last year though?
The paper was ok, although reading through this thread I can see I probably made a few little errors that will cost me dearly .....
Oooooooooooooohhhhh phew! It's so comforting - I thought I was the only one thinking "this is harder than my past papers and trials........." :( I actually would have liked an extra 10 minutes but anway......
Did any other BOSers sit the Agriculture exam today? What did you think of the new format?
For me, personally, the MC were strange - some very very easy with a few harder ones tossed in. And those who didn't take a calculator may have regretted it!!