LOL aright, im pretty sure you have to wait till next year, or oct this year, who ever says you can do it next semester give me a link.
unreliable taking advice from other members unless they got a link
its on vuws, play around with mysr will help you understand it better, well for me it did,
still cant fine where it says you can re-do the test in semester 2 after june???
Hey guys im contemplating on withdrawing my enrollment with uws, due to work reasons.
can anyone here help me in doing this?
also will i be left with any outstanding debt from withdrawing?
arite kool, hey just curious are you doing marketing as your key program? if so
what unit did u take to replace business stats or eco methods? remembered before you said you gonna take test next semester
hey guys im on platform-web of unit 200525
its says that tutorials start in week 2, but when you scroll down to the timetable its still says 10-15 opposed to 11-16
does anybody know the correct date?
also it clashes with business academic skill what do i do?