Has anyone received their early entry email who applied for an international studies course? Because my friend received one for the business course she's doing. So anyone else?
Ok, so I'm failing maths. Is there a book of some sort or something that has questions on every syllabus dot point? I have my school textbook but it isn't that great.
So I'm ranked first in business studies and I only got 74% then everyone else got around 60%. Does this mean my cohort is going to drag me down? Or does it not matter seeing as I'm ranked first?
So I'm coming first in legal, ive beaten everyone in the past two exams by 10 marks. However the person coming second beat me in a test the other day by 5 marks. Would I still be ranked first?
So I'm not that great at maths but my ranks high so what would be the best way to prepare for maths hsc exam? I'm behind in nearly everything! I'm freaking out!