Indians, Cambodians, you know those kind of general south Eastern Asia (excluding Vietnam and China) Middle Eastern and African. And no South American.
Makes you become a catabolic monster.
Fucks with your metabolism, and making you store more fat.
Really really dumb idea, no benefits apart from suicide, etc.etc.
high protein low carb, moderate necessary fat.
eat 6-8 small meals throughout the day and keep your fibre high, ditch all processed carbs, e.g white rice. white pasta.
Grill your meat, dont fry, steam your veggies.
You are what you eat.
Optimum nutrition Micronized creatine, get it off
either that or try some Gentec 320, or professional whey creapure creatine, always get creapure.
nothing wrong with it... depends how much older though... hard for me though, all the girls in my year are like 18... and i just turned 17.
Meh, who cares, good thing im gay.
form whores.
scarifice a little form for power to push into progressive overload. My friends dont do that, they take form over everything else, they have hardly ever added any extra weight to their lifts in the 3-4 months ive been there with them.
just stay away from syntha 6 its good, but if your trying to cut down, i wouldnt take it.
Try ON its still good, dunno why OP is getting off it. But try Myofusion or isoflex.