It'd be better to write something like "Slogan wearing..." instead of an acronym i think, but only AFTER you have used the full title in your introduction.
Who's afraid, independence;
- independence of martha over george "i wear the pants in this house"; first wave of feminism within the 60's
- independence of honey not wanting to have children like society expects her to; can like this back to how feminism began because women didnt want to be...
Hi! I saw your tutor thread and I would love to be tutored by you but unfortunately I live in Newcastle. I was just wondering if you could give me some general tips/advice about achieving a band 6 for continuers.
Why would they scrap and make a new syllabus when they have already invested so much time and effort to this current one so specific? It's fucking stupid if you ask me. I enjoy the HSC as it is. I feel sorry for generations to have it "dummed down" for them.
Recently got my school report and had to contest two ranks because i had a gut feeling that they were wrong and turns out they were XD
Adv eng - 3/72
Maths - 5/44
Chemistry - 1/28
Biology - 2/33
Japanese continuers - 1/3
Eng Ext 1 - 2/8
School rank 222
i went to the one in Newcastle, wasn't that bad but people from the army or "christian colleges" try to rope you into their deals and shit. Got lots of free stuff thoug :) frisbee, ball, pens, post-its, a cap, copious amounts of paper...
I couldn't find it either am I'm interested too. I'm slightly lost in this module too, though I completely understand what the texts are about but I'm not sure how to link them properly the "After The Bomb" and ways of thinking.
I wouldnt mind an essay too? :P
Depends what texts you are doing. For eg; With my Gwen Harwood poetry i get an A3 sheet of paper for each poem and create a table that has concept, technique, quote, effect/analysis and evaluation. I just fill it out keeping in my mind K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid) and I've got a comprehensive...