the problem is I dont want to lose marks and my essay is really good so Im sort of tied between changing my additional text or not, and I mean I have got one so if worst comes to worst then I will but any other advice??
trust me i was terrible in preli physics, cause of the teacher but mainly you only need formulas for HSC physics and a tiny bit of knowledge, chem on the other hand is ridiculous, I know my chem units wont get counted unless i get like 100% in the externals which is like impossible so if your...
hahah, mine only went for 1 and a half hours so it wasnt that bad, and I mean why do chicks cry I mean if u havent talked or associated to half the in the six years you were with the whole yea, why cry about it??
yea I get that but my major problem is, is that it is a set text for Module B Close study of a text. So my main question is, is can I use it even if it is a set text for another section??
Hey everyone, I was just wondering if I could use Into the Wild, which is a movie for my belonging essay. Now my teacher said I shouldnt as it could be a set text and others said I could can anyone give me a straight up answer??
when the current goes through the outer ring it produces a changing magnetic field, this induces the current in the outer ring to flow anti clockwise cause the current is the opposing force which created it
WOW, thats nice to know im doing something good then lol. Yea it was a bit of a weird paper, all of Q6 I didnt get but I somehow got some of question 7 :S