Lol actually we were sobre when we created this little guy to describe this annoying pain in the ass guy from my school who was giving my mates gf shit. Imagine what i could do drunk >:D
Alax Dillon, i like you u seem cooler than Omie Jay. Although i've met South East Peruvian Beaver Leeches that are cooler than Omie Jay. Nonetheless, good work Alax.
+1................ kinda.
This only goes so far. My friends 70 year old mother has a 50 year old boyfriend :blah:. i knw a twelfth grader who insists on begging an 8th grader for sex, which is wrong IMO.
I think it goes only to a certain extent.
hmm i better boookmark this thread and research it at home cos Facebooks blocked here >.< but if its the group i think it is, thats just fucked up. If my girl acted like that id have her pimped out.