lucky you. it's one of those tacky trashy tween shows, and I'm hooked D:
yayers, good work! (Y) haha, but that would still be a really good mark!
it will take me from whenever I start til a day or two before the exam. always ==
last chem exam I finished 10:30...
fine, fine. this is my five step post hsc plan:
1. marry a porpoise.
2. teach it to yodel.
3. market it as a tourist attraction to the sweedish scuba diving population
4. ???
now go get some beauty sleep.
you'll need it :)
good work (Y) one step at a time.
it can only get better from then :)
and, asif for another time!
what could be more appropriate than the internet?
yeah man, I'm going to study med/surgey/comm/law/aeronautical.
have fun flying your pilot toys while I take over the world :)
you need to learn to distinguish between dreams and reality.
muffinman dear, we halfies are always hot. but seeing that I go to ruse,
I had to settle for being an extremely attractive neanderthal.
don't worry, with a little help [and surgery] you too can be this good looking :)
it would be dance academy. oh god, how embarrassing :o yess, I loved bananas in pajamas! but my allegiance lies with the wiggles, I'm afraid :D
oh gross. we had to do one on personalities in the fall of the roman republic the other week >__> how long does it have to be?
I made it 1922!
yay for finishing 3U! goodluck for eco!
and I did what you told me about writing,
and now I have 17pages :D :D :D
also, aerath repped me my third box!
now I have a spectacular aura around me :shy:
Can't wait til after trials. Because then presumably I'll have all my notes and essays and stuff done and it'll just be straight memorising :P
4MONTHS14DAYS :uhoh:
what's the chance of my parents letting me go to a 4day camp two weeks before english paper1? xP
what, asif 4U's easier than 3U! and if our paper's going to be hard.. wah I want to drop 4U now. yeah that's true, I always make the dumbest mistakes in easy exams and then everyone else just does really well and goodbye ranks for us D:
nah, but stressing can be good, because other people go...
haha, thank god exams are over eh?
except your ee1 and my drama, laame.
YESIDOZOMG. except they're stilettos, so =\
let's go shopping together after hsc :D :D
or after trials if we can't wait that long haha ^^
haha oh that's gold. yeah, I'm thinking something similar for ancient- before the exam the rest of my class went overboard studying in the common room and made all these songs about caesar and pompey and crassus, but I missed it cause I didn't know where they were xP and in the end, none of that...
haha, don't lose sleep over maths. it's so not worth it :P but hope it went well!
yesss nutcrackere does that too! but I'm just one of those people who doesn't really worry about anything. which is lucky for me, I guess =\
POST-HSC WILL BE SO AWESOMEE :D :D :D but yeah, I'll miss school as...