Not only that, considering this test was easier than last year they are going to specifically make it so that you can only use direct uses of ethanol. The only two in syllabus are solvent and fuel.
Orite, here is the thing, I love binomial proofs, love all types of induction- like harder 3u inductions or strong induction etc, dont mind circle geo. But PLEASE for the love of all that matters, no perms and combs. Hopefully.
Nope. U use it in alcoholic beverages but that is not in syllabus. And not much to write about that anyway. And if yoi wanted to go further you could've written aboit use in cosmetics.[emoji38]
Same bro cos syllabus dtp. How did u go btw? Some people wrote about other stuff like ethene and then polymerization. But marking criteria strict hence won't count that cos ethene can't be used for anything. And bro did u notice the plagiarism of hsc?
that reminds me of argand diagram. See if you can draw an ellipse from that and that prove that the inequality holds true. bahahaha. na jks. do what fais said ^^^^^^^^^ or carrot >>>>>
But I just said that the actual system would have lower conc since open system and tbis is closed and that in this the formation of acid rain is not modelled but only that ph is reduced which models the evidence of acid rain but not the formation. Ie. Here you had to put the ionization in water...
I went through like all the cssa ones, all the neap ones, all the independent ones from 2001-2014 and for exam choice did most of them?? Which paper is this? Why did i miss it/