I would advise people not to have sex or even kiss during schoolies. Crabs, genital herpes and meningococcal are all possible consequences.
But if you decide to have sex anyway, I advise you to film it.
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With recent statistics showing that there are more abo kids in care than the number of kids involved in the stolen generation accumulates to two conclusions:
-kids who have 1/8 abo blood are classified as 'abo children' along with the increase of population which could result...
In short I agree with Terra Nullius and disagree with Mabo's decision. Instead of going on an on I will conclude by saying that I have no sympathy for the abos for they were defeated in a method that has been occurring for thousands of years despite it sounding harsh. Ironically they continue to...
^ why is your font so fucking small.
despite him usually making retarded and fucked up posts, i actually agree this time. krudd is fucking ridiculous and yet always manipulative.
I think this is where the debate originates from, because i see no fucking need to reconcile. Instead i think that they should get the fuck over it because their primitive nature resulted them in losing a 'war' against a more civilised (in a more organised and governmental sense) country that...
I am appalled by your ignorance and fucking stupidity. There is no way that you can compare the issues of abo's to a friggin horse. You fail to realise that land a piece of fucking material are two different things.
Several issues can be raised when considering land and abo ownership:
Of course it is ok. This is not some my little pony bullshit story. It would have been against human history and instinct for land not to be conquered, for the weak not to be eliminated as a stronger power takes their place. The aborigines could not defend themselves, therefore they had and have...
see but thats the thing that i dont understand. how did we win the land 'immorally'? what are the methods of conquering, and how was the English settlement unconventional?
Similar cases were seen in Canada, Northern America, Hawaii, Pacific Island and yet none of them have had the same extent...