I just went terrible in maths :/ like Id be lucky to get 50% :( :(
If all my other subject are in the 60/70/80s how much will maths drag my ATAR down? Be honest guys
I've only re read over and over my notes since trials. Will be doing past paper questions tomorrow night after maths but it's fairly do able I just find business quite easy except the essays sometimes
How sick do you have to be to miss the hsc? Hospitalised? Because my friend said his going to the doctors to get out of it and his only got a cold. Also don't they give a different exam another day?
I just realised for witness the scene wasn't the one I thought it was. So I would've only talked about the scene there for about 1 page out of the 6 I wrote. What's the highest mark I could get for this now? Like a 5?
Are you guys actually pretty accurate when you make an ATAR estimate? Because you guys give me a higher estimate than an ATAR calculator, I'm so confused