You still have a whole HSC year ahead of you mate. Lol summer holiday study, watched all 276 episodes of dragon ball z with 64 of dragon ball GT and did a chapter of maths.
tall guy who banked in one free throw and missed the other is me, i had no skills what so ever and they told me they didn't have a centre and i needed to play because i joked around saying i was a good basketball player, i also injured our best player in the warm up before the game we played...
hahaha yes I'm a dirty greek, i play bball at tech a lot i really have nothing going for me but height when it comes to ball. And don't worry 2k11 is way better than 2k12 and 2k13 has too many problems for my liking even though its unbelievably awesome
i play nba too, 2k13/halo 4 is all i do really, so I'm guessing you're typical tech asian who loves basketball can dribble really well and shoot well but for some reason you are an average player. All i do is get in the post and attempt a hook shot
i predicted this (see previous message). Seriously respect man, thats something i could never think of reaching, but i do have a lot of spare time so dont leave this site completely theres a small possibility that i will beat it
you can easily find this out yourself. Just type all your marks in a calculator and see if your final mark is higher or lower than the guy in front of you