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  1. B

    Is anyone else feeling burnt out/unmotivated?

    can't wait for christmas discussions about how other people did more than me and beat me
  2. B

    Is anyone else feeling burnt out/unmotivated?

    These are very wise words, but how can i listen to anyone who can't spell Gangnam.
  3. B

    Is anyone else feeling burnt out/unmotivated?

    haha i know that feeling, one of my cousins got 89 and shes the disgrace to my family because 6 others have gotten from 90-99, hope i get 90 to not be a shit cunt in my parents eyes lol
  4. B

    Know of any schools that offer the HSC over two years?

    I go to a sports school and we offer pathways, its mainly for sports people who are young for the year though
  5. B

    That ONE amazing feeling after finishing

    My one amazing feeling after finishing will probably be masturbating aggressively while playing Halo 4
  6. B

    Final Atar Estimate? :DD

    that list only looks at maths and English band 6's
  7. B

    Study Timetable

    we get it, you've said it enough times
  8. B

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    haha, okay well im just letting you know im taking a break from snake because i actually have to study, but from november 2nd as soon as the HSC finishes, that high score of yours will be gone.
  9. B

    Year 12 2012 Chit Chat Thread

    the cunts getting .95... i dont go to ruse can i say that? also deswa fuck you, how the hell is your snake score so high
  10. B

    Trial Results and Papers

    yes Beaconite is a cunt
  11. B

    Trial Results and Papers

    yeah i just have to stop being a lazy cunt. Trying to fit a year of school into a day of study doesn't work well.
  12. B

    Trial Results and Papers

    Yeah i might just get a 99 for the lolz
  13. B

    Trial Results and Papers

    Time to prove you cunts wrong
  14. B

    Trial Results and Papers

    English Advanced: 75/105 6/16 in the trial 5th overall Mathematics: 75/100 1/11 in the trial 1st overall Legal Studies: 78/100 2/40 in the trial equal 1st overall Business studies: 90/100 2/50 in the trial 2nd overall Biology: 73/100 2/18 in the trial 2nd overall I can't upload any...
  15. B

    2012 Independent Maths

    lol so much for around 80, I only got 75, lost 8 marks from stupid mistakes
  16. B

    2012 Independent Maths

    students usually overestimate their abilities after exams, so there's a good chance i got 70's lol
  17. B

    2012 Independent Maths

    not really, i was getting around 80-85% in the other independent's i did and i think i've got around the same mark for this... hopefully
  18. B

    2012 Independent Maths

    i did a table of values for the cot graph, i had no clue lol that test was just fucked. I didn't attempt around 8 marks worth of questions and i think i've lost at least 15 marks
  19. B

    i don't know what to do!

    I know how you feel, everyone in my family has got ATAR's in the 90's and to add some more pressure my brother got 99 last year. I go to a school in the 600's and am probably not going to live up to the expectations my parents have. But im not worried and you really shouldn't care to much about...