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Search results

  1. JayNoob

    Software, Business or Engineering.

    business business business!!
  2. JayNoob

    Biology Vs. Chemistry

    chemistry ftw ! :haha:
  3. JayNoob

    How to be less nervous in/before tests?

    hmm.. I just think about like ''just do it'' and thinking how I am ready from studying and that I should do fine. I also sigh a lot to myself or in my head... if that works xD
  4. JayNoob

    Australian Maths Competition

    Oh sweet thanks Kurt. Lol chinese website xD interesting.
  5. JayNoob

    Subject Selection: How'd You Go?

    Slyhunter you make me feel so much better when you say that about adv english xD and you have the same subjects as me!! I seriously hope I don't regret my selections.
  6. JayNoob

    Applying for selective

    whoa hardcore schools mate xD why Caringbah? try Sydney Boys
  7. JayNoob

    Does that want extra unit really count in math & english?

    Yeah, well the scaling is supposedly better only if you do well in the subject, and if you think you want to learn a more sophisticated level of english then go for it ^^
  8. JayNoob

    Subject Selection

    In my opinion chemistry and business studies are the way to go. There is a lot more variety for uni courses and supposedly the scaling is alright, plus useful subjects =] if you like them that is.
  9. JayNoob

    Scaling, Huh ?

    Most of them I really like xD probably because I picked them but yeah..
  10. JayNoob

    Legal Studies or Business Studies?

    All teachers say not to pick based on scaling, but anyway in my opinion business studies would be more useful unless you are serious about studying law or anything related.
  11. JayNoob

    Subject Selection: How'd You Go?

    Hey guys, i like both your subjects =] its a shame my school does not offer more than 13units in which I could pick another 2 unit subject so i had to go for these: 3U maths 3U english Physics Chemistry Economics I am somewhat interested in medicine mostly followed by commerce or engineering...
  12. JayNoob

    How much harder is Prelim from year 10?

    lol my teacher was explaining about it to the class and it scared the crap out of us xD
  13. JayNoob

    Bio or Physics???

    Can you please explain what is good about bio then? xD
  14. JayNoob

    Bio or Physics???

    studyfreak i admire your ranks xD my school doesn't even give ranks == not that I would want to know how bad I am compared to some people xD
  15. JayNoob

    Year 11 Subject Selection

    hey the subjects you picked total to 10 units which is enough for yr 12, but you are thinking about yr 11 which does not have extension 2 maths, only extension 1 so you can just pick any other subjects and drop them in yr 12 =]
  16. JayNoob

    Subject Choices

    There are not really any prerequisites =\ when I checked on like UNSW website it just says english, but then i guess they recommended either chemistry or biology in some section.
  17. JayNoob

    Bio or Physics???

    Depends what you like more and what you are comfortable with =] I heard physics has a lot of calculations but not much on biology
  18. JayNoob

    choosing year 11's subjects!

    Nothing wrong with eco, seems pretty interesting and I like the asian combo^^ Ext 1 Maths Ext 1 English Physics Chem Eco!
  19. JayNoob

    Subject Choices

    hmm... I am going to do extension 1 maths 3 advanced english 2 physics 2 chemistry 2 economics 2 Total = 11 possible filler is psychology xD