Well once you've enrolled and made a timetable.. you're pretty much all set to go :D If you'd like, you can go and get your ID card early to avoid a crowd.
Yay! And congrats :) Well for my arts degree I'm doing sociology and anthropology and I'm not too sure what I'll do for my science.. but it's gonna be something biology or chemistry related :)
This year I have a 20 hour week -.-
Do you think that walking from Webster to CLB to Matthews will be okay.. ? I mean this is back to back classes with no gaps in between. I don't want to be running, that's for sure.
Yeah I read that too. Don't think it'll be too hard really. If it's better for me in the long term, I think I'll do it. I'm sure I'll cope because the prerequsite for this course is year 12 chemistry so I should be fine.