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Search results

  1. procrastinator2

    Christianity and Islam

    thanks again :)
  2. procrastinator2

    Christianity and Islam

    so does anyone know how to join all 3? (person/ethics/practice)
  3. procrastinator2

    Christianity and Islam

    sweet thanks! :)
  4. procrastinator2

    Do You Wear Glasses?

    i wear contacts and wear glasses at home i'm short sighted : /
  5. procrastinator2

    Christianity and Islam

    omg bothered much haahah
  6. procrastinator2

    Christianity and Islam

    would the easiest ones be abortion, stem cell research and euthanasia and use them for Islam too?
  7. procrastinator2

    Christianity and Islam

    gahd thats soo much to remember :(
  8. procrastinator2

    Year 12 pranks

    he will be his own worst enemy keep telling him your gonna get him back then always look cheeky around him when he is about to do something and he'll get worried oooooorrrrrr just pull his pants down in the middle of the school (not in a sexual way ...) oorrrrr just kick him in the nuts...
  9. procrastinator2

    Year 12 pranks

    ahahhaahahhaa omfg :L
  10. procrastinator2

    Christianity and Islam

    btw how many bio-ethical issues do we need to focus on is one okay or should there be like 3?
  11. procrastinator2

    Christianity and Islam

    showing the link between them for example what was Paul's views on bioethics and baptism does anyone have notes?
  12. procrastinator2

    Christianity and Islam

    Hey, I'm having trouble with combining significant person / bioethics / significant practice together, can someone please help me out? I'm doing: Christianity - Paul of Tarsus / bioethics (anything really) / baptism Islam - Rabi`a / bioethics / Hajj thanks so much xx :)
  13. procrastinator2

    Girls: Do you like indian guys?

  14. procrastinator2

    Girls: Do you like indian guys?

    mate we aren't calling you fat we are saying feel confident about the way you look and girls will see how happy you are with yourself and they like that so calm down ...
  15. procrastinator2

    Girls: Do you like indian guys?

    lmao its fine i didnt do so well either :L
  16. procrastinator2

    Girls: Do you like indian guys?

    ahhahhaha i see what you did there :3 :tennisclap:
  17. procrastinator2

    Girls: Do you like indian guys?

    i don't think he cares anymore :L nek minnit a wild thread on the same topic appears! :O
  18. procrastinator2

    Girls: Do you like indian guys?

    let's all have confidence and be super dooper happy yaaaaaaaayyy :) cheer up people!
  19. procrastinator2

    Girls: Do you like indian guys?

    .... calm down ... o.O
  20. procrastinator2

    Girls: Do you like indian guys?

    seeee maybe its not her fucking with you maybe you're fucking with her :O you could be hurting the poor girl! tell her how you feel before you confuse her