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Search results

  1. J

    Favourite Condom?

    glow in the dark ones are the biggest let down. the whole thing doesnt even glow in the dark, only the very tip. also apparently the fluorescence somehow makes them a lot weaker (?)
  2. J


    oh yeah. i get confused with "half-sibling" and "step-sibling" i think it's totally fine, espesh if they're r3aly hott. but very good chance it will fuck up family relationships/functionings which is obviously something you would have to consider if you were actually serious about it.
  3. J

    Hardcore Punk

  4. J

    What are your final UAC preferences?

    Course preferences 1 511217 B Arts (Advanced) (Honours)/B Medicine/B Surgery - full time at University of Sydney 2 511540 B Economics/B Medicine/B Surgery - full time at University of Sydney
  5. J

    Good/best car between 40 - 60k

    sooo inclined towards an a4, but if you are after power (i'm guessing youre not) look into the liberty and maybe a 3series.
  6. J

    Hardcore Punk

  7. J

    Hardcore Punk

    YouTube - Re: Why I'm Vegan/Straight Edge LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  8. J

    Hardcore Punk

  9. J

    Hardcore Punk

    YouTube - minor threat - straight edge
  10. J

    Hardcore Punk

  11. J

    5 Fruit and Veg a day

    how was the diarrhoea?
  12. J


    HAHAHA, big LOL if you're trolling
  13. J

    Does God exist?

    as if you eat meat??
  14. J

    What are your final UAC preferences?

    oh really? well that totally skews my perception :/
  15. J

    What are your final UAC preferences?

    you can only recieve one offer at any one time, so no you wont get three letters/offers. you will only recieve an offer for your highest ranked prefrence for which you qualified. eg. if you qualified for your 1st prefrence, you will get that offer. if you then decline that offer, you will...
  16. J


    mostly kosher food
  17. J

    What was ur first day @ Uni like, Uni Students?

    fuck i would love to punch you in the mouth.
  18. J

    Strange shocking offer

    yeah and i somehow have him on fb :/ :/ :/ :/
  19. J

    Best Car Build Thread

    well yes.. but why would you bother? waste of a k20 imo.