Nah its creating a south pole surely, the south pole of the magnet is entering the coil, if it created a north pole it would attract the magnet in more.
I posted a question in the Physics forum that I dont know how to solve and its eating away at me, could someone please go have a look and help me out? 🙏
I was solving this question:
to which they gave the folowing answer:
everything makes sense, I drew this graph, except mine was flipped around the x - axis. Is the falling magnet not creating a south pole at the top of the coil? Does this south pole not (using the right hand gripper coil rule)...
How do we write reflections for extension? I assume its sort of the same as advanced but you dont refer to other texts and you focus on the constrution of the literary world? Praying its not creative
which our 2.5 hours left how are you prepping for Q1, I have my trial essay memorised so Q2 will be fine (please god not 2 related texts) what are you doing for Q1 with such little time left?
this is the most minor thing ever, but I did the first wrong version, is there any logic behind this or is it just a rule that you do the absolute value first, cause Id be hella mad to lose a mark like this in the hsc.
Ruse's last question from this years trial had absolutely nothing on the last couple questions from last years HSC (except the weight one but I swear thats ext 2)