Either 160-165 hahahahaha, oh I'll tell them and they will torture you esspically the asians haha. Thanks man :3, of course I am I love my fobs
always got my back :3, hahaha I will defs hammer them 
Naww well as long as you enjoy it I guess :3
Obviously your right for once haha, well tale your xbox play FIFA 12 or rage or play wall ball
I'm such a guy haha NOT LITERALLY hahaha
Well done you understand my language
no these lollies taste like coke but sour haha dope, no worries yeah pretty good actually wbu? Oh did you tell your mate that some Arab chick hi fives you hahaha
Naww well as long as you enjoy it I guess :3
Obviously your right for once haha, well tale your xbox play FIFA 12 or rage or play wall ball
Well done you understand my language