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  • LOLL the picture with your holding that ring up to the camera. I think it was for your cousin's birthday... but u told me it was for me:pLOOOOLL you have that picture! it's sooo cute... no wonder you always look at it. I don't seem to have it on my laptop... hmm maybe it's on the computer=/I just had coffee and mud cake:D
    LOOOOOOOOL omgoosh u poor lonely child..... just wanting to get all over me. And remmeber how u sent me the piicture of that ring aye... wat does thatt show.... and I still rejected u. there u go... proves ur after me:p
    AHAHAHAHA well, i was probably busy that day, and she didn't wanna hassle me, so temporarily replaced me with you. wishful thinking gets you nowhere rania :p
    LOOOOL stay away from my mum! AND natascha for that matter! i don't believe that she asked you on a date.. . . .but i'm still iffy about the movies day and the fact that you guys watched a chick together!!! :mad:
    LOOL! ohhh goodnes... I love how your sooooo good at lying.... The only thing I said was 'come sit with us at recess' LOOLLL anddd thennn u think I asked you out... and U were the one whooo got all shy.... and U were the one who was like 'ohh our-first date' and U were the one who wanted to doo it again.... and YES I said 'no rania... I have kathy'. lOOOL LOOLDeal with rejection? lol
    LOOOOOOOOOLLLL omgoshhhh i will never forget your lies! You full told people I asked you out mole ROFLLLL that was soooo funny... wen I was just like 'rania come sit with us fpr recess' and you got way over-excited thinking it's your 'first date'... goodness me. LOOOL hilarious. Now i feel like juice.
    LOOOOOOOL rain... just coz I'm good at acting;). loolll i didn't like it... i loved it;) ohh goodness.
    loool. excuse me how dare u call me your baby... kathy will get angry. apologise now:p
    1. well, its not on my thumb persay, down near the connection between my thumb and hand 2. i suggest from now, you stop doing papers and only concentrate on Q9 and 10 to get you into that higher thinking mode 3. im bummming way to much; but past 2 days has been good, 3 MX2 papers and 2 MX1 papers
    hectic =) your gonna rip it, :) i did a paper aswell; my time taken to complete a 4 unit exam has improved a hell of a lot alot.. finish 1-6 in like 1 hour 20mins
    nice, like 95+ aligned; i assume you finished the paper in less than 2 hours, did you factor in the time that you'll check over the work
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