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  • oh man, i fell asleep with my school clothes on my bed without realising it; woke up, comps on, im sleeping on all these papers, it was a war zone. anyway, i did 4 unit cssa; 104/120 =D
    LOOOL rania... our english exam is over sooo please stop:p .areeee you? don't you have twoo already .... or doo u wanna get it at the top of your ear. why don't you get an eyebrow ringg ayyyeee; ) ew.
    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL at ur ttness 'khallas'? THANKS RAIN.maths is gonna kill life. LOOLLL spilt milk. LOOOL RAIN LOL. u shouldve said spilt rain... at least that matches with your name.
    OMGOSHHH WHAT STUPID PERSON WOULD LIKE THE QUESTION SERIOUSLY. i cann only say that the people whoo liked the question probably had themselves prepared by teachers or sumthing..... however we were told to memorise each essay for chrsitainity. far out.
    rania u dont understand ...i stuffed up the whole religion paper... not only part 3.... but also the short response and the MULTIPLE CHOICE..... EVERYBODY HAS SOMETHING DIFFERENT! IMMM SOOO ANGRY.... ITS ALWAYS OUR BLOODY YR! Y Y Y Y
    sorry to bud into your convo guys (ninor and ranii) but i have a great movie.. umm i don't know the name but it's a movie about Keats... youtube it :)
    Well my mother knew i was upset so she decides to make me some chilli chicken wings seeing as though food makes alina happy, however i only ate 2 and a half and i was full. stupid hsc. taken control over our lives. 5th nov 5th nov...and thennnn i cope a lecture from karam saying that i need to forget about it and move on and do my other exams and even though he's right, i just find it hard to forget lollll anyways, whose this suraya guy rofll
    LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL is that the production we watched when he cuts himself and polonius the little rat decides to spy on him? i kept making myself chaii thinking that it would make me feel better and i kept checking bos to see maybe JUST MAYBE that the would have changed their minds :$
    yer the paper was alright i suppose 74/84, i wanna get 78+ in hsc.. but i dunno.. and with religion, wont everyone go badly, alot of the stuff i talked about was beyond the syllabus :S
    hey rania, some religions were easier than ours i.e. asked explicitly for ethics, i think this will be reflected in how our essays are marked.. i think
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