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  • Yo,
    noobish question, but what are midcourses?

    Haha, yeah, my friend from uni who recently came out to me said its the best shit ever and that I should try it haha.

    Uni is alright. I have a shitload of revision to do, but I'm pretty sure that I can get it done in the easter long break. Just need to break this post-HSC 'lets do jackshit' phase.

    How is uni going for you?
    Do you neg-rep often?
    Oh, AND- how many rep points do you need to get another bar?
    100, right?
    I'm considering French as a major in my commerce degree.
    I'd do econ/arts but it's 5 years- & i don't love arts that much :p
    lol our conversations are dominating the active forums :p

    +i didn't say environment/inequality wasn't important, i just meant i'd rather be enjoying economics and the impacts of globalisation are more "political economy" than economics anyway :p
    Yeah I saw the video of the 'debate' with her on fox news...
    SO OLD but rewatching it was just the funniest thing ever (so owned)

    And she has an openly gay friend apparently? He defended her... WTF? :/
    OMG Shirley Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church?
    Apparently she has a love child...
    Ohhhh Merewether, nice. I know a few people from there. Do you happen to know Oscar Ku., Liam St. or Josh Sm.?

    Names withheld just in case someone is snooping, idk lol
    Please change your signature, i am practicing the laws of being a rabbi and find your signature very offensive.
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