Ummm, IGS is alright, as far as schools go.
They've got a pretty good music program, and stuff, but they are pretty pretentious ^__^
I think we ARE the ones with the green uniforms. XD
Well... the primary kids anyway. High-school is grey and white. - I don't really know for certain, I never wear it properly anyway ^__^
Well, it's not all boys, so I doubt it's the one you are thinking about ^__^
It's pretty exclusive, but I'm pretty good at bullshitting my way through interviews, I'm not actually very clever ^__^
My maths is appauling! I mean REALLY bad! XD
There are kids in year 7 who are a hundred times better at maths than I am

and I'm not even joking!
I just dropped 2 unit maths cuz it was making absolutely ZERO sense to me ^__^
Hahaha, chemistry is a cinche though ^__^ in fact, I find all the sciences pretty easy - Phys is the hardest cuz it has lots of maths in it.