C C cricketfan1997 Apr 19, 2013 bro do you have any english advanced prelim papers, only found one on your past paper thread. and what's the prelim 2013 surprise?
bro do you have any english advanced prelim papers, only found one on your past paper thread. and what's the prelim 2013 surprise?
S S SpiralFlex Apr 6, 2013 It is okay. You are still young. Anyway Spiral offers the following services for new arrivals. 1. Being playful. 2. I am also a amateur psychologist 3. I can help you with numbers. 4. I can help explain to you how the universe works. 5. Any other human emotion assistance.
It is okay. You are still young. Anyway Spiral offers the following services for new arrivals. 1. Being playful. 2. I am also a amateur psychologist 3. I can help you with numbers. 4. I can help explain to you how the universe works. 5. Any other human emotion assistance.
S S SpiralFlex Mar 31, 2013 Sorry guys I'm a bit busy I will try and get back to you guys when I have time.