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  • The feedback was all quite positive, a few people left constructive ideas too :)
    Yeah well I'll be overseas then. ANd lol, the 1/7th thing. Just mean kids bitching about traveling one hour is 1/7th of what I'd have to travel (i.e 7 hrs).
    Lol I'm not rich. Hopefully I'll be right, been on 4 different overseas trip and it's been fine.
    Well I went to an EE2 night last week and I got the 60 feedback sheets, and I read them in Eng today.
    Also getting all the other English teachers to have a look for feedback.
    And the meets sound amazing as always, but it is when I am away (1st week of hols right?). Also when I do happen to actually be in the country, it is a long way to travel (it's ok, no crepe but you were right :p) I loled at some people whinging about it being Parramatta cause it's an hour travel, please you guys that's 1/7 of my travel hah.
    I'll take lots of pics, and lol I'm not rich. And I hope I don't get any of the many infectious diseases after, ironically happened to be learning about them in bio before I go!
    Ohh and I wrote a bit more tonight so it's 6550-and I'm seeking feedback and hopefully will come up with ideas to use the word limit creatively. I was thinking of breaking up my story with kinda a different form, make it a bit more versatile for the eyes to read :)
    Haha there's really no time for it, plus only laptop I have is the krudd laptop which is unreliable as.
    3 week tour, bulk of it is safari. Will go to South Africa, Botswana and Zambia :)
    Yeah there's still time :) (Though I'll be overseas for three weeks).

    Umm my mentor's just an English teacher. We just call them EE2 mentors at our school cause we don't have classes just meetings :)
    Umm I think it's going fine, my EE2 mentor is happy in my work.

    But I feel I should use some of my words more. I've written a first draft but it is only 6400ish. Btw, I read your major a couple of weeks ago and loved it :)
    hmm, our exams finish 30th November, but I'm assuming mine will be done by 20th give or take 3 days.

    You probably get an extra 1-2 weeks :( oh well.
    Mine finish 16th but our exam period is 9-29 June, so after yours >_>

    But we probably get more holidays over the winter :p
    Well this week is pretty much revision lectures and revision tutes for *most* subjects. Pretty sure it's 13-14 weeks with a 2 week mid-sem break (one of those weeks was the mid-sem exam week though).
    Ahh alright, was just curious, saw someone that looks like you on the train :lol:

    We get no Stuvac week, and 2 exams next week Tuesday, fun fun fun!
    yo bro, mind heading over to nonsense thread? spiral has some questions about choosing subjects in uni, would be good if you could help pls :)
    Yes sir I am :)

    Even dedicated a song to you. (View the what you listening to now thread for more information)
    "romina is made of Mystery, spice, and shadows. With a dash of Jeopardy." I think I laughed a bit too hard at this lol for obvious reasons, it reminded me of you!
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