Back in Sydney. Was nice to come back to your messages <3, was a tiring and draining two days, i had to pretend to be straight again around my new work people, which i haven't done in about 4 years, and wondering whether to add people to facebook to spill the beans about my homosexuality early, or just let it come out naturally. *sigh*
but enough about me, how is your first few days back at school? Sorry that your not sleeping

, i will try fill your profile page again <3.
Baring any acts of god, or major family emergencies, i am so looking forward to next saturday, and extra bonus which i forgot about, 'rents are away in hobart, so we can sneak back to mine for cuddling without awkard *who is that* looks, should the mood strike!
Anywhoo, enjoy this weekend, hugs and kisses, and more hugs.