lol if the is 4.5 billion years old then the moon would have been soo close to the earth that it would have clashed with it, we all know the mooon moves away from the earth every year, if the earth is 4.5 billion years old then land life wouldnt have been able to live because the moon's...
micro eveolution is just variation soo that isnt even evoloution because it happens in the genes, not from the environment eg: all budgies were green at first then different colours started appearing in the birds. That doesnt mean its eveoloution, the same bird come out looking the same,doesnt...
lol genetic evidence doesnt tell you were it came from, you guys just "assume" it. by the way thats what we learnt in biology lol and i am in school for your information hahah
brother evolution is the devils work, dinosaurs lived amongst humans in the begining because they werent a threat. Everything ate plants, when adam sinned then death came into the world and we changed our diets and things began to die. Everyone thinks dinosaurs were belived to be millins off...
lol they found a small horse and linked it to all horses that live on this present day. ummm isnt it possible that there was large and small horses back then. what you find in fossilisation that resembles present day animals doesnt mean that they came from it. you cant create a different species...
lol its fascinating how you call it the theory of evolution, its means its just a thought, not exact, anything can turn up and change the theory of evoloution. Perhaps maybe judgement day?
The old testament is all of prophesis of a messaiah (jesus) and he did come on Earth and fufil...
science is about conducting an experiement and seeing if the experiment is true or false based on a hypothesis. Evolution is just a theory, all it is is a made up imaginitive story to get people to belive how life formed on Earth and it steers people away from the true christian faith.
If evolouution was true then what people are saying is if people spent 1 month living in the sea then there body should adapt to the environment by forming fins and gills to swim because evoloution is when an animal changes its body to suit the environment features. Would this actually happpen...
It was adam and eve who were the first people on this Earth. God createn man and woman to live in the Garden of Eden and to produce children. Jesus came to this Earth to die for the sins that mankind commits and the very first sin was when adam and eve ate of the forbidden tree.
1 Corinthians...