Recent content by malak1

  1. M

    Top Achievers in Course List

    Re: Top 20 in Course List how do u Know i wanna Check ?!!
  2. M

    General Thoughts - Biology

    That bio exam was okay when u compare it to past years but when u add up the questions LIke that question on bLoOD banks that was just STUFFT and for what 8 MARKS!! wat happened to pasteur And my frieND KOCHyy. all THAT FOR NOTHING!! AND THAT communication question on the insect and discs ...
  3. M

    my review on EDUCATING RITA did i do it wrong or right check me gramma as well please

    Re: URGENT REQUEST on my review on EDUCATING RITA wrong right??check my errors plzzz no wat u wrote is alrite.. the information is good. the themes u talked about are not bad! u can still fix it up though no that u have that much time.. IF u have gud quotes and that post that as well cz i...