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  • cn i ask a question? how cum ur names are yellow? n y can't i change da` color of ma name?
    hahaha that eye jizz thing is funny cos the other day at a careers expo, JADE was calling her boyfriend her "other half" and they aint married so i like massivel rofl'd
    so u drink half a bottle of wine and then decide to give me infraction? Nice!...not well done for upsetting me
    ended up getting him a mid-range Duke, mainly because it looked good but also had a reasonable review on some fountain pen board, but might now get him a Lamy for christmas, i'm looking at getting one myself now even, they do look purty, and my handwriting is shocking atm, a fountain pen might lift that.
    thanks for not advising me against a fountain pen for my brother for his 21st, he absolutely loves it, filled it up when he opened it dispite being majorly hungover, has bought some nice paper and is writting with it at every chance he gets. i think my parents are jealous that he might like it more than the massively expensive cufflinks they got him :p
    What? Look, i'm not trying to pointlessly harass you, ok? Many of us want answers from you - we want a clear statement from you as to why you think you should continue being ncap moderator, given that you have done little to nothing in the role. This is a legitimate question and requires a serious answer.
    Seriously, youre damaging the forum by your arrogance. The people are against you and all you do is fiddle?

    Many of us are seriously disenchanted by your moderating style. You have been the least transparent, least involved mod of ncap ever. Totally intolerant of criticism or even debate. Seriously, why would you care about being ncap mod if you never contribute anything other than killing good discussion by moving good threads to obscurity? What could you possibly get out of this arrangement?

    I for one have long grown tired of your totally negligent and lazy style.

    I await your response (but wont be surprised if you ignore this post, like everything else)
    i just found it funny and ironic , your name being cat and u studyin marine science :p
    is that the last unicorn in your av?
    if yes, that movie makes me cry.
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