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  • The Handbook. That's the one I have. The Study Guide is the one with all the work sheets and things? I think I have that too though it's not that great in my opinion.
    To get a band six you just need to: do your home work, study before tests, manage time, be good at school allready (ie, competent), and when you're stressed, JUST RELAX!

    However, with the Excel Science Handbook, it did help me, and not in the least way that it reduced my stress and anxiety. When I started studying for the SC I wanted my notes to be organised and comprehensive and the notes in the Handbook were just that. Most of the things in there I already knew off-by-heart, though, as with biology (not my thing), it covered what I needed to know for each topic. It is very usable. Even if I didn't need to revise any more, skimming through it quelled any irrational nerves.

    So yes. I'd advise you get it. Its not expensive. It helps. You should get it. Even if only to reduce your nerves. Just buy it.

    And relax.
    Just reinforcing what others have said; the maths exam is mainly logic, basic logic. The only real way to make mistakes in it is through stupid little errors, reading the question wrong, thinking you've finished when you've only done two-thirds of the test (as one of my friends did), that kind of thing.
    Oh, another thing that I found good was getting into a routine of getting HM done when you get it; relieves stress and staying up to 2 am finishing assignments (extremely annoying). And in the three or so weeks leading up to the sc exams (trials if you fell the need) do past papres online. :D
    Hey Koolkid. The only textbook I found very valuable in the SC was the Excel Science Handbook Years 9-10. It covers everything but most helpfully it is extremely easy to find the info you're looking for. If you want reasurance I'd recommend it. :p
    Apart from that the thing I'd say (along with everyone else) is don't bother stressing about it. I have a yr 12 friend who did hidiously in the sc, but is now topping Maths Ext.1.

    If its any concolation I also stressed alot throughout the year, so I guess stress can be good! :D Any other worries?
    Well I already did my SC. Don't stress. SC is the least of your worries when entering year 11.
    You are tested on Year 10 material for Geo and History. Everything else is on what you learnt during Junior school. English maybe not. The computer one is pretty much common knowledge.
    Science: Year 7 up
    History: Only year 10
    Geography: Only year 10 with year 9 skills
    Math: Easy. Year 7 up
    English: techniques and comprehension.
    Hi. Lol you don't need to stress so much for Year 10! It's going to be fine! HSC is what really matters! :) Even if you care heaps about SC, you've got a whole year to prepare for it!
    I didn't buy any extra books, it's just the SC. I just used my own books and a few resources on BOS.
    No. Don't memorise essays, especially if you prepare them for the SC. The School Certificate throws a lot of random questions and you can't really prepare an essay for each possible question they can ask. Just write points, it's easy to remember and saves time writing.
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