Recent content by iSplicer

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    delta english tutoring

    Hey sydcpu, I'm very sorry that you're upset. You're right, I've made mistakes in the past but I'm just a normal person who works at a hospital; I have no formal training in public relations. Delta is a project of passion and I hurt when my business is unfairly attacked - but I'm getting better...
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    delta english tutoring

    Hey the25grad, Thanks for posting and I'm sorry to hear. If you're still enrolled with us and feel that our offerings are of inadequate value, please email us quoting your post and I'll gladly offer you a refund inclusive of the admin fee you're referring to. Everyone should absolutely trial...
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    delta english tutoring

    Hey oot23, I'm very glad that you've asked this question. Our three-week trial includes the following components, with nothing further payable if you decide Delta isn't worth continuing with: A one-hour academic consultation involving yourself and your parents with a NSW state-ranking staff...
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    zhanghsc or sigma science for physics Take a trial - I guarantee you'll be satisfied.
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    ACE vs Cognito for HSC Chem You won't be disappointed, I guarantee it.
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    Best Physics Tutoring centre? Recently launched firm that I'm involved with. Give a trial period a go, I guarantee you won't be disappointed!
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    English Tutoring Places / Private Tutor Recommendation

    Hey hellopenguin666, Have you undertaken a two-week trial at Delta? If after the trial you're happy with us, please ask the front desk for the director to call you and I'll see if I can make a concession on the price.
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    Best tutoring colleges

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    Delta English tutoring is very exclusionary

    Sincere apologies we're in the midst of changing phone providers. We're definitely open and working our way through outstanding enquiries. Please send us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
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    kurt equivalent for english

    Hey skzzks, We're a lot of things but I assure you, we're not dodgy. You're more than welcome to visit our centre, speak to our staff, inspect our material and see how we operate (just send me a PM to organise). This would allow you to form your own valid opinion about Delta.
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    kurt equivalent for english

    Hey idkkdi, Delta is operating routinely! We withdrew from social media a few years ago for a number of reasons: [Main reason] We already get more enquiries than we can handle through word-of-mouth recommendations. We were rendered vulnerable to abusive conduct on Facebook comments following...
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    Ngo and sons hurstville?

    Sir is the best teacher I've ever had.