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  • Any city beach like cronulla or something

    laser tag?
    hmm... idk.

    I think the location would best be in the city for everyone's convenience
    Hmm. Yeah.

    I'm thinking either these holidays or the summer one at the end of the year.

    Beach or laser tag?
    which one?

    I should. Do you have many high school bosers on facebook?

    I think we should invite some 2011ers because there aren't many 2012ers around :haha:
    oh shoot. i have no advanced for you then lol. dl all the thingos associated with macbeth, where are quite a lot - good practice questions ! :)
    For maths I just dl from josh and spiral's thread. I dont know what english you did, did you do othello?
    Are you a guy? lol.

    Yes I have them! :D How do I send it to you ?

    I study physics by myself, and it's ........annoying sometimes!

    I don't mind asians, except sometimes when i'm trying to study at the library at usyd , the fobs talk really loud LOLOl D:
    I have once piece of valuable advice for you that I wish someone told me about. Do past papers. As many as you can. Your school is likely to ask you questions that have popped up in past papers. I waste so much time this year studying every single little thing , and even for prelims.......and i feel like 99% of my studying has gone to waste FML LOL ):

    past papers for the win. you can dl them here, or i can just send you my file ^_^

    i want to go to usyd, since that's the only place that i've actually visited HAHA.


    engineering, :O what kind ?
    I've stuffed up for every exam possible this year in so many ways, and - boy, have I learned. BAHAHA. Thankful.

    My school only takes the top 10, so I'll just be doing it through tafe or something :L

    WE SHALL ACE OUR HSC. :) See you at uni LOL what do you want to study?

    you'll do well :)

    my exams have finished...and let's just say...i am ever, so so so grateful that we still have an extra year to try. bahaha.

    are you going to do 4u maths?
    Training was interesting. We were told funny stories about the homeless people and their tendencies. HAHA.

    I think after HS, I'll volunteer more. Just so busy atm ;_;
    GIGA no time no ......comment? bahaha.

    How are your studies coming along? :)
    There are heaps of other cool things you can put on applications and stuff. Like the fact you volunteer at Vinnies. They love that sorta stuff :p

    I realised that my school doesn't give "SRC, House captain" etc badges. Everyone gets the same badge which is "leadership team". You can't distinguish SRC from a captain... right :/
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