ROFL, gotta love "Awesomer" ^^
Well, i'm not your typical girl

But lots of girls are going into engineering
Hehe, your assumption could actually be true

Yeah, math teachers can't string together a sane sentence hehe. Unless it's one of those rare math/english teachers!
Catholic Studies XD I just found out that isomehow managed to come 2nd for a catholic studies exam i don't remember sitting (nothing i do in catholic counts btw so no one studies or pays attention in class xD)
*hi 5* Depending on how strong the coffee is though, i might have 3 sugars XD You need to get a nice teacher

For chem after school classes, toast/biscuits and hot chocolate/tea is provided as well ^^
Exactly, the computer is better than coffee
Ooo may i have it? My friend is definitely going now

I'll ask my other friend what's happening on saturday when we're at parra and i'll give you the train times ASAP