Phoenix Fury Mar 9, 2012 Yeh lol, my friends aren't that bad I guess, however the people a lot of them a friends with are kinda scary/rapey/hostile and yucky in general.
Yeh lol, my friends aren't that bad I guess, however the people a lot of them a friends with are kinda scary/rapey/hostile and yucky in general.
Arcorn Mar 6, 2012 I thought the simple act of kissing him would make you want to kill yourself but apparently not.
Arcorn Mar 5, 2012 Yeah, mind you, his posts after you kissed him were hilarious. And how seriously he took it.
Arcorn Mar 5, 2012 Seriously, how could you even troll Shadow pretending you liked him. Fuck, he makes me so angry.
E E Examine Mar 4, 2012 In time. (When I delete all my retarded posts from year 7, get less retarded, and update my dp for once)
In time. (When I delete all my retarded posts from year 7, get less retarded, and update my dp for once)
kaz1 Feb 27, 2012 It depends how good you are with Chem and if you make up for it, but I imagine there would be lecture recordings for it on lectopia since it's a popular course. Email your lecturer about lecture recordings on blackboard if it's not there already.
It depends how good you are with Chem and if you make up for it, but I imagine there would be lecture recordings for it on lectopia since it's a popular course. Email your lecturer about lecture recordings on blackboard if it's not there already.