my day started getting home at about 1 this morn, waking up at 7 to get to uni, couple of hours of maths lectures and then a job interview that was a waste of time this arvo. fascinating, i know
Mango pulp? Wow interesting! I think i might pass on the mango pulp and go with pineapple juice (you know what they say about pineapple juice before taking part in amorous activities DOWN STAIRS )!!!
i think everything is fines.
because while its near end of semester for us, luckily this time no big assignments to place burden, i dont leave them to the last minute like some people.
i hear you are all days away from hsc.
A PSP isn't a PSP unless it's hacked I didn't buy a single game when I had my PSP but I probably went through over a hundred. What sucks is that the ISOs are huge and the memory sticks can only hold a few games
Anyway, I'm at Macq library. It's so distracting with so many of my friends here 'studying' for the HSC. An internet connection doesn't make it easier