Don't really want to start a new thread (hopefully it's alright, OP) but are laptops good for engineering?
I am planning to do Bcom/Bengineering so for note taking would a laptop be useful? or are they mainly used for assignments @ the library?
How do paper people cope with the sound of people...
Hi, just coming out of HSC and knowing the system relatively well can someone explain to me how uni works?
a) MATH1131 Mathematics 1A (6 UOC)
MATH1141 Higher Mathematics 1A (6 UOC)
b) PHYS1121 Physics 1A (6 UOC)
PHYS1131 Higher Physics 1A (6 UOC)
Some questions...
Hmm, if you're confident in those raw marks there's definitely something wrong.
For mx1, I calculated about a 50 raw mark, out of 70 and ended up with a 93.
For mx2, I calculated about a 50 raw mark aswell out of 100 and ended up with 85.
Is it possible you forgot something and made lots of sillies?
Hi, based on your estimates/ranks I'd say 96+ definitely.
Just a comment: a school in the 400s doesn't typically get band sixes and when they do it's typically only the person coming first. In business you're anticipating to get a 94-99% which is very close if not a state rank, you may have...
Re: A First Year's Guide to University
to what extent does cramming work in uni?
and is "homework" set out in uni, like the questions you're supposed to do from the textbook?
You cannot do it using that terms method because you're multiplying two brackets together.
I've attached my solution in the link below: