SAME and my handwriting is either way too big or way too small- so i'm thinking i'm either doing something wrong or my handwriting is illegible- and everyone exits thinking that was the best exam of their life whilst i'm second guessing every single life choice i've made-
my normal tiny handwriting fits very snugly into my usual 5mm grid paper in most of my notebooks plus i hold my pens right where the body starts to taper into the narrow end, so its a genuine struggle to write ANYTHING large and it also means my handwriting is
so fucking slow even when im writing in barely legible bastardized cursive,,,,,,,,, genuinely its so fucking annoying to know that you are (in spirit) 20 minutes behind everyone else and even if you try to fix it you end up reverting to your usual method of writing bc you forget to maintain it, and when you try to speed up you get too scared of your words being illegible and once again revert back to your most comfortable method. it fucking sucks!!!!!!!!!