How I Kinda Fluked An 87 In Standard English In A Low Performing School A Complete Guide To Acing Std Eng (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jan 20, 2025
My guide to getting a high mark in Standard English

So as you know Standard English is a terribly scaling subject, if you want a high ATAR it is widely recommended to not do it. However I did not listen to this advice. My advice is the same, if you want 95+, it's better to do decent in advanced english than to to really well in standard.

Remember This:

The way the HSC markers mark English is more lenient compared to how your teachers will
Your teachers have plenty of time and will spend more time going through your responses/essays so they can catch out more mistakes and things they don't like
In the HSC, markers get paid per paper and they are on a limited set of time, think about it, they want to mark as many papers as they can
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My English teacher was pretty strict with marking, I was getting around in the 60s in all my school exams for english

This is how I got an 87 in Standard English, as seen in the UAC report (2023) above, only the top 13.2% of English standard students will get above an 80/100

An 87 would put me in the top 2-5% I would estimate

This is my advice, I am not gifted in English in any way, shape or form. Throughout highschool I disliked English and never did well in it, I only did it for my HSC because like you we are all forced to

For school assessments and exams, quality and quantity both matter, but quality matters more since your teachers have plenty of time to analyse however they want, in exams focus on cooking rather than writing a lot.

When it comes to the actual final HSC exam, you NEED to write a lot. My English teacher was a senior HSC marker, she told us that the responses that used extra paper generally have the first 2 pages read properly whilst the rest is skimmed over. Once a marker reads your introduction and first page, they have a box in their mind selected about what kind of band response this is (Band 1-6). Once they decide on a rough band level, they will skim over the rest to make sure it fits in with the band.

I can't stress this enough you need to write so so much for those top marks, towards the end of each essay, your handwriting is gonna look something like this نعم نعم نعم but that's ok, make sure it is somewhat legible and keep going. Paper 2 is absolutely brutal, you likely won't have time to proofread or spellcheck at all, most people don't finish or finish right on the dot.

Spelling and grammer does matter but it shouldn't be your top priority, as long as you don't write anything obviously wrong markers probably won't even notice after the 2nd page if you write alot.

All in all HSC English can rote-learned, my friends got 99+ atars getting 95s in advanced English and they didn't come to class much, instead, they spent weeks practicing and memorising band 6 essays which they crafted over time and just wrote them and modified them in the actual HSC.

After years of studying how to analyse texts and respond to unseen questions throughout highschool, what you will find is that most people that band 6 English std/adv memorise essays. You don't even need to be good at english to do this. My buddies hated english but they just grinded and memorised essays, regurgitated and modified them in the actual day.

This is how much I wrote for my HSC

Altogether I had like 30ish quotes and techniques memorised for both papers, the way I remembered it was to spam write them over and over again the week before the exam, follow the PEEL structure, have a very deep analysis, write some bs about complex human experiences and emotions (they love this stuff) and smart yap

Paper 1

For the 20 mark short response section I went over every single line and I even used extra paper for one of the responses, I pretty much doubled all the space given because I wrote so much. Remember the marks of the question minus 1 is how much example/evidence and explanation to give.

For the 20 mark essay I wrote 11 pages, the adrenaline inside me was kicking, It was 3 writing booklets in total

Paper 2

This one is brutal, the only way to actually prepare yourself is to practice by writing 3 20 mark essays in 2 hours, but who is gonna do that? I did not practice at all for this. I walked into the exam room caffeined up after a redbull.

Section 1- 10 pages

Section 2 - 12 pages

Section 3 - 7 pages

And I still had 10 minutes left. If you told me I could have done this during trials I would have laughed, but something inside me just went crazy, the adrenaline pushed me HARD.

For 1 hour and 50 minutes I was writing NONSTOP, my hand did not rest for more than a couple seconds for a couple periods during this time. Yes it hurt after, but I did not care, I still remember the entire class walking out of that last English exam, the last ever English exam we would ever do in our lives, everybody was happy and rejoicing.

My rank was 3rd in a crappy public school and I managed to get 87, you can do it to


New Member
Jan 20, 2025
Looking back, the people in 1st and 2nd would have defo pushed me down a bit, but that's just the system


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2024
Beach...flashing ma 6 pack 😏
My guide to getting a high mark in Standard English

So as you know Standard English is a terribly scaling subject, if you want a high ATAR it is widely recommended to not do it. However I did not listen to this advice. My advice is the same, if you want 95+, it's better to do decent in advanced english than to to really well in standard.

Remember This:

The way the HSC markers mark English is more lenient compared to how your teachers will
Your teachers have plenty of time and will spend more time going through your responses/essays so they can catch out more mistakes and things they don't like
In the HSC, markers get paid per paper and they are on a limited set of time, think about it, they want to mark as many papers as they can
View attachment 46321
My English teacher was pretty strict with marking, I was getting around in the 60s in all my school exams for english

This is how I got an 87 in Standard English, as seen in the UAC report (2023) above, only the top 13.2% of English standard students will get above an 80/100

An 87 would put me in the top 2-5% I would estimate

This is my advice, I am not gifted in English in any way, shape or form. Throughout highschool I disliked English and never did well in it, I only did it for my HSC because like you we are all forced to

For school assessments and exams, quality and quantity both matter, but quality matters more since your teachers have plenty of time to analyse however they want, in exams focus on cooking rather than writing a lot.

When it comes to the actual final HSC exam, you NEED to write a lot. My English teacher was a senior HSC marker, she told us that the responses that used extra paper generally have the first 2 pages read properly whilst the rest is skimmed over. Once a marker reads your introduction and first page, they have a box in their mind selected about what kind of band response this is (Band 1-6). Once they decide on a rough band level, they will skim over the rest to make sure it fits in with the band.

I can't stress this enough you need to write so so much for those top marks, towards the end of each essay, your handwriting is gonna look something like this نعم نعم نعم but that's ok, make sure it is somewhat legible and keep going. Paper 2 is absolutely brutal, you likely won't have time to proofread or spellcheck at all, most people don't finish or finish right on the dot.

Spelling and grammer does matter but it shouldn't be your top priority, as long as you don't write anything obviously wrong markers probably won't even notice after the 2nd page if you write alot.

All in all HSC English can rote-learned, my friends got 99+ atars getting 95s in advanced English and they didn't come to class much, instead, they spent weeks practicing and memorising band 6 essays which they crafted over time and just wrote them and modified them in the actual HSC.

After years of studying how to analyse texts and respond to unseen questions throughout highschool, what you will find is that most people that band 6 English std/adv memorise essays. You don't even need to be good at english to do this. My buddies hated english but they just grinded and memorised essays, regurgitated and modified them in the actual day.

This is how much I wrote for my HSC

Altogether I had like 30ish quotes and techniques memorised for both papers, the way I remembered it was to spam write them over and over again the week before the exam, follow the PEEL structure, have a very deep analysis, write some bs about complex human experiences and emotions (they love this stuff) and smart yap

Paper 1

For the 20 mark short response section I went over every single line and I even used extra paper for one of the responses, I pretty much doubled all the space given because I wrote so much. Remember the marks of the question minus 1 is how much example/evidence and explanation to give.

For the 20 mark essay I wrote 11 pages, the adrenaline inside me was kicking, It was 3 writing booklets in total

Paper 2

This one is brutal, the only way to actually prepare yourself is to practice by writing 3 20 mark essays in 2 hours, but who is gonna do that? I did not practice at all for this. I walked into the exam room caffeined up after a redbull.

Section 1- 10 pages

Section 2 - 12 pages

Section 3 - 7 pages

And I still had 10 minutes left. If you told me I could have done this during trials I would have laughed, but something inside me just went crazy, the adrenaline pushed me HARD.

For 1 hour and 50 minutes I was writing NONSTOP, my hand did not rest for more than a couple seconds for a couple periods during this time. Yes it hurt after, but I did not care, I still remember the entire class walking out of that last English exam, the last ever English exam we would ever do in our lives, everybody was happy and rejoicing.

My rank was 3rd in a crappy public school and I managed to get 87, you can do it to
how tf do u write that quick


New Member
Jan 20, 2025
how tf do u write that quick
I wasn't able to even in trials but some caffeine plus adrenaline and perhaps some other substances (jk) pushed me through, even I was amazed at myself after. If I try and do it again in a non-real exam situation I wouldn't be able to, it was a massive rush, even the HSC invigilators were confused and amazed when I kept raising my hand in the exam for paper


New Member
Jan 20, 2025
How big is your writing
Average size, it gets bigger when you write fast though and size does matter in the final exam, HSC english is not for small hand writers, because when you write fast your writing will get messy


New Member
Jan 20, 2025
what were your schools assessment 1-4 marks since u got 87?
For hand in assessments I would prepare for a long time, get feedback from my teachers as well as 4u english students and other qualified people, but since it's English and theres a large amount of subjectivity in marking remember you may never get 100% even in take-home assignments. I got 90+ for take home assignments but for exams done in school I would get in the 50-60 range, mainly because I never prepared properly, they are harder than the HSC by design and your teachers always mark harsher


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
how do you get 50-60 and achieving 87 at the end could you be more specific?
if this person got 50-60 in some of their year 12 exams and still got a good hsc mark it means their rank within their school cohort was pretty good (they were 3rd overall). so their school marking for internal exams was really tough for some reason but they still maintained a decent rank throughout year 12, and then they really aced the external exam.

@sydengineer do you know what ranks 1 and 2 got for std eng? if they both got worse marks then you then i suspect you outperformed them both by so much in the externals that you were thought of as an outlier and you got your own hsc mark as your internal and external.

even if that was't the case your mark and your effort are still super impressive, congrats!


New Member
Jan 20, 2025
how do you get 50-60 and achieving 87 at the end could you be more specific?
50-60 was my raw mark for internal exams, English STD scales really bad for after scaling with lets say a raw 75-82 you would only get a few more marks when compared to advanced you would get a lot more. Also, HSC marking is more lenient and they are not hyper focused on small details like your teachers are because they are low on time allowing you to get away with things such as poor handwriting and grammer mistakes. Also, in the HSC I wrote wayy more than I was in internal exams I actually unlocked my full potential in the HSC because before I thought I couldn't write a lot.


New Member
Jan 20, 2025
if this person got 50-60 in some of their year 12 exams and still got a good hsc mark it means their rank within their school cohort was pretty good (they were 3rd overall). so their school marking for internal exams was really tough for some reason but they still maintained a decent rank throughout year 12, and then they really aced the external exam.

@sydengineer do you know what ranks 1 and 2 got for std eng? if they both got worse marks then you then i suspect you outperformed them both by so much in the externals that you were thought of as an outlier and you got your own hsc mark as your internal and external.

even if that was't the case your mark and your effort are still super impressive, congrats!
Rank 1 in std english got unconditional early entry after trials so he did not care about his hsc at all after that, he still tried but didn't write much cuz he got lazy in the exam, I doubt he got much lower than me so he defo would have dragged me down, one flaw in the scaling/moderation/alignment system, rank 2 tried her best but I wrote more than anybody else
Oct 15, 2024
so if im getting 16/20 for all my internals is my final internal mark gonna be 80 or does it align up


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
Rank 1 in std english got unconditional early entry after trials so he did not care about his hsc at all after that, he still tried but didn't write much cuz he got lazy in the exam, I doubt he got much lower than me so he defo would have dragged me down, one flaw in the scaling/moderation/alignment system, rank 2 tried her best but I wrote more than anybody else
ok so maybe youre not an outlier? so you climbed up 3 ranks just bc of externals and got close to band 6ing standard eng crazy work

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