Business - Can do around 90% of questions, just some I don't get but im planning to revise today
Economics - Making essay plans, yet to do much questions though, im planning to do it later on since i do have 2 full days for eco
Maths - Done alot of questions, but some topics need to go over, think i have two full days before it
English - Just memorisation
Geo - DId a bunch content actually but need to do skills
Time went fast, I don't really know what happened. Do I feel like I could have worked harder or done more? Definitely, it was almost as If iI somehow lost track of time again. But really, I don't feel too worried or too bad atleast right now. I am annoyed that I feel that time kind of went to waste but theres no point. Feel like this is an issue I definitely need to fix going onto HSC and Uni.
Also I found a degree - Construction management at UNSW, looks promising. I had goals of Commerce before, but don't know if I'll get the atar for commerce or if it's a good degree to even take vs construction management.