English Standard - 67% - 9/86
Mathematics - 68% - 19/58
Mathematics Ext1 - 81% - 10/28
Physics - 58% - 16/23
Software and Design - 87% - 2/19
Music 1 = 96% - 1/30
So depressed, didn't know about past papers or the fact that teachers would just pull the whole test from past papers. Would've done way better given i've memorised so many 1k word essays/creative writing at this point. fml
Additional info
Physics - Rank 1 is hovering around 70-75%
Software - Large outlier here, rank one is 90%, while rank 3 is like somewhere 60%-75%
Math Ext1 - My friend who is rank 5 or 3 (sorry cant remember) has 85%, so its pretty clustered rn
Is it even possible to get 90% atar at this point? If so, which subjects should i focus on most
Any comments or help would be GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Mathematics - 68% - 19/58
Mathematics Ext1 - 81% - 10/28
Physics - 58% - 16/23
Software and Design - 87% - 2/19
Music 1 = 96% - 1/30
So depressed, didn't know about past papers or the fact that teachers would just pull the whole test from past papers. Would've done way better given i've memorised so many 1k word essays/creative writing at this point. fml
Additional info
Physics - Rank 1 is hovering around 70-75%
Software - Large outlier here, rank one is 90%, while rank 3 is like somewhere 60%-75%
Math Ext1 - My friend who is rank 5 or 3 (sorry cant remember) has 85%, so its pretty clustered rn
Is it even possible to get 90% atar at this point? If so, which subjects should i focus on most
Any comments or help would be GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU VERY MUCH