Hey everyone! (98.6 ATAR and All Rounder)
Over my HSC I spent a painstakingly long time trying to perfect my essay technique (having 10 units of purely essay subjects tends to do that to you) and I have plenty of work to show for it. For Modern alone, I wrote over 40 short to long responses for a start. And here I am, at the end of the cycle (yes it does end)- offering something that I would loved when I was slaving over for hours and hours.
Price is negotiable, but lets start off with $10 for each complete subject (and $15 for two subjects), but of course it can be less for smaller topics.
I also offer essay marking or online tutoring if interested.
Now English can be treated with an absolute vehemence, but I find that's when people don't understand exactly how to write essays for it. I just think about English as somewhat obsessive state standardized fandom around literature.
I have these for the following areas:
DISCOVERY (many, MANY - i had essays for about every rubric point + notes for the Motorcycle Diaries, Flowers for Algernon and the film Pan's Labyrinth)
MOD B: about seven to eight essays for Hamlet - and those were just the ones i was personally happy with, i had written about 10 before)- everyone says it, but its true that you truly have to form your own interpretation of the play, even if you would prefer nothing else but resurrect Shakespeare and give him a good shanking.) NONETHELESS i have essays specifically on:
MOD C (multiple essays on Crucible + my own related text - Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut)
All 1,000 - 1,200 word essays
I spent the bulk of my time on this subject, two hundred hours to be precise. I got a 95 in the end, which I am proud of. But I would never have needed to work so many hours if I'd learnt how to write a decent essay earlier.
- Part A: all of the syllabus dot-points covered in paragraphs and notes
- Part B:
This subject can be pretty tough to figure out how to write decent essays in. It took me a while, but it is always so useful to look at how some one else has structured theirs - structure being the key word, and how to balance cases + legislation, and of course, your own judgement.
I received 97 in this exam, so it made it my best performing subject. If you are interested I have essays/notes in the areas of:
HUMAN RIGHTS: short answers, notes and case study - child marriage, I have several pages of pretty much the answer to every short answer variation I could brainstorm.
Teachers tell you that there is a lot of content in this topic, but as long as you can keep up with current news/themes and focus on ongoing issues such as same sex marriage/adoption/domestic violence etc. you'll be fine.
WORLD ORDER (my personal favourite - the nature of the topic means that my essays are still mainly relevant if you wanted to use them as a springboard for your own essays).
I loved this subject, and got a 47 in the end - it was essentially like philosophy but focused upon history. I've written quite a few essays for the core "What is History" that I am quite proud of, and quite a few for Convict Women. If you wish to buy these essays I'll even throw in my Major Work which had a full mark, if you were curious as to how you could potentially structure your investigations. I will also give you any tips you need, I love helping out and reading other people's work.
PHEW we're finally at the end- if you want to see samples for any of these subjects, feel free to PM me.
And if you want to give yourself an easier time instead of desperately hoping that you will "get it" and are interested buy, PM as well! Totally negotiable with prices - but lets say $15 for a complete set of each subject and their notes/essays, less if you are only interested in specific ones.
I also have quite a lot of essays and notes for English Extension I - AFTER THE BOMB if you are interested. My final score was 46.
Good luck for everything folks! Thank you for reading this post.
Over my HSC I spent a painstakingly long time trying to perfect my essay technique (having 10 units of purely essay subjects tends to do that to you) and I have plenty of work to show for it. For Modern alone, I wrote over 40 short to long responses for a start. And here I am, at the end of the cycle (yes it does end)- offering something that I would loved when I was slaving over for hours and hours.
Price is negotiable, but lets start off with $10 for each complete subject (and $15 for two subjects), but of course it can be less for smaller topics.
I also offer essay marking or online tutoring if interested.
Now English can be treated with an absolute vehemence, but I find that's when people don't understand exactly how to write essays for it. I just think about English as somewhat obsessive state standardized fandom around literature.
I have these for the following areas:
DISCOVERY (many, MANY - i had essays for about every rubric point + notes for the Motorcycle Diaries, Flowers for Algernon and the film Pan's Labyrinth)
- Literally though "discoveries can be sudden/unexpected - all through to the ramifications of discovery differ for individuals and their worlds" - I have seven variations of similar ideas which still manage to answer the question because of a certain way that I've interpreted the unit
- My creative - "Rose Chiselled Eyes" which carried me through trials and the HSC. I'm not proud of it, but the markers didn't seem to mind. At the very least, it could reassure you of your own ideas.
- Other creatives - "Kites", etc. if you want to see them.
- A comparative study of "hope"
- A comparative study of "idealised love"
- A paragraph on "identity" in Gatsby
- Textual form
MOD B: about seven to eight essays for Hamlet - and those were just the ones i was personally happy with, i had written about 10 before)- everyone says it, but its true that you truly have to form your own interpretation of the play, even if you would prefer nothing else but resurrect Shakespeare and give him a good shanking.) NONETHELESS i have essays specifically on:
- Women in the play
- Revenge tragedy as a form
- Hamlet's characterization
- Soliloquy study
- Relationships in Hamlet
- Reason and Passion in Hamlet
- Madness in Hamlet
- Using the "graveyard" scene as a prompt
MOD C (multiple essays on Crucible + my own related text - Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut)
- "Representations of people and politics often reveal either the best or the worst of human nature"
- "How do composers represent the conflict between people and politics?"
- "How do composers use form and medium of production to represent the conflict between people and politics?"
- "Evaluate how composers represent the impact that political acts may have on individual lives and society"
- "It is politics that shapes the individual, the individual does not shape politics.”
- "Compare the ways in which composers represent the relationship between people and politics."
All 1,000 - 1,200 word essays
- Notes for ALL the headings, also organised by "question/answer" format so you can easily quiz yourself
- Short Answers + Source Analysis for each heading, it would be really useful for you to look at them as a scaffold for how to write your own.
- Account for the aims and strategies of Nazi Foreign Policy
- Assess the role of Hitler in the aims and strategies of Nazi foreign policy
- Assess the influence of racism on Nazi foreign policy
- To what extent were the strategies of Nazi foreign policy successful in achieving their aims?
- Assess Hitler’s role in the Nazi State
- Assess the impact of Nazism on German society from 1933-1939
- Assess the impact of Nazi propaganda, terror and repression on the German people from 1933 to 1939.
- Assess the impact of racism on Nazi domestic policy
- Assess the nature and influence of racism on Germany between 1933-39
- Account for the initial consolidation of Nazi power from 1933-1934
- To what extent can Nazism in power be seen as totalitarianism in the period 1933-1939?
- Account for the collapse of the Weimar Republic
- Assess the successes and failures of democracy from 1918-1933
- Assess the influence of the German army on the successes and failures of the Weimar Republic by 1933
- Assess the influence of the German army from 1918-1939
- Assess the importance of nationalism as a cause of the failure of democracy in Germany in the period 1918-1933
- To what extent was the Great Depression responsible for the collapse of the Weimar Republic?
- To what extent did the Weimar Republic achieve stability by 1929?
- To what extent was the Treaty of Versailles responsible for the collapse of the Republic
- Assess the effectiveness of attempts at peacemaking from 1954-1979
- Account for the aims, nature and methods of Pol Pot
- Account for the defeat of the South Vietnamese troops
- Assess the effectiveness of the strategies and tactics of the NVA/NLF
- Assess the impact of the war on civilians in Indochina
- Assess the influence of nationalism on Pol Pot’s nature, aims and methods.
- Account for the rise to power of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia
- Assess the nature and consequences of the development of US policy towards Indochina
- Consequences of the Geneva Accords (earlier essay, not as proud of this one)
- Assess the impact that the spread of war to Cambodia had on the rise of the Khmer Rouge.
- Assess the role of the Tet Offensive as a reason for Communist victory
- The NOTES that I gathered to write all of these
- Part A: all of the syllabus dot-points covered in paragraphs and notes
- Part B:
- Assess the contribution of your personality to their period of national and/or international history
- Assess the significance of the personality you have studied to his/her period of national and/or international history
- ‘Events shape people more than people shape events.’
- “History is a record of an encounter between character and circumstances”
- “History is about winners and losers”
- “Individuals are products of their times”
- “The significance of an individual is created more by themselves than by the events of their life”.
- Including notes for which I wrote these
This subject can be pretty tough to figure out how to write decent essays in. It took me a while, but it is always so useful to look at how some one else has structured theirs - structure being the key word, and how to balance cases + legislation, and of course, your own judgement.
I received 97 in this exam, so it made it my best performing subject. If you are interested I have essays/notes in the areas of:
- Assess the effectiveness of the criminal justice system when dealing with young offenders
- Assess the effectiveness of the criminal investigation process in achieving justice.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the domestic and international legal systems in dealing with international crime
- Evaluate the effectiveness of sentencing and punishment as a means of achieving justice
- Assess the effectiveness of the criminal trial process in achieving justice.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of criminal sentencing and punishment in achieving justice. (893)
- PLAN: Explain the tension between community interests and individual rights and freedoms within the criminal justice system.
- PLANS for various Crime topics that are likely to pop up
- Assorted notes/cases/statistics that I picked up from various readings/publications (including on DEFENCES)
HUMAN RIGHTS: short answers, notes and case study - child marriage, I have several pages of pretty much the answer to every short answer variation I could brainstorm.
Teachers tell you that there is a lot of content in this topic, but as long as you can keep up with current news/themes and focus on ongoing issues such as same sex marriage/adoption/domestic violence etc. you'll be fine.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses in response to issues regarding the care and protection of children in Australia.
- Evaluate how effectively the law resolves conflict in family relationships
- Evaluate to what extent changes to family law are a response to changing values in the community (law reform/effectiveness)
- Parental Responsibility
- Why has marriage equality has not been achieved in Australia?
- To what extent have legal and non-legal responses been effective to issues in surrogacy and artificial birth technology?
- Assess the effectiveness of family law concerning adoption
- NOTES for all headings
WORLD ORDER (my personal favourite - the nature of the topic means that my essays are still mainly relevant if you wanted to use them as a springboard for your own essays).
- Assess the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses in promoting and maintaining world order
- Assess the effectiveness of the United Nations in promoting and maintaining world order.
- Compare the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses in promoting peace and resolving conflict between nation states
- Discuss how state sovereignty can assist or impede the resolution of world order issues
- Assess the impact of changing values and ethical standards in promoting and maintaining world order
- Evaluate the role of law reform in promoting and maintaining world order
- Has the principle of R2P been effective in achieving world order?
- To what extent does international law promote and maintain world order?
- Assess the effectiveness of rules regarding the conduct of hostilities
I loved this subject, and got a 47 in the end - it was essentially like philosophy but focused upon history. I've written quite a few essays for the core "What is History" that I am quite proud of, and quite a few for Convict Women. If you wish to buy these essays I'll even throw in my Major Work which had a full mark, if you were curious as to how you could potentially structure your investigations. I will also give you any tips you need, I love helping out and reading other people's work.
- "To what extent to historians own history?"
- History as storytelling
- How has postmodernism challenged history?
- 2008 HSC Q - History and its social function
- To what extent is history a craft or discipline?
- Fells HSC Q - History and evidence
- Conflict between academic and popular history
- Notes on the following historians: Herodotus + GM Trevelyan + Martin Bernal + Simon Schama + Leopold Von Ranke (indepth), Thucydides, Gibbon, the Australian History Wars, Bede, Polybius, Christopher Hill, the Annalists etc.
- My own feverish rants on history if you like
- Convict Women - essentially one "base" essay and then its variations for multiple past HSC questions, notes + an essay tailored to the role of evidence
PHEW we're finally at the end- if you want to see samples for any of these subjects, feel free to PM me.
And if you want to give yourself an easier time instead of desperately hoping that you will "get it" and are interested buy, PM as well! Totally negotiable with prices - but lets say $15 for a complete set of each subject and their notes/essays, less if you are only interested in specific ones.
I also have quite a lot of essays and notes for English Extension I - AFTER THE BOMB if you are interested. My final score was 46.
Good luck for everything folks! Thank you for reading this post.
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