Why this is a thing, Ill never understand. It's a sad state of affairs when people are happy to say "I bludged and did well" but are embarrassed to say "I worked hard to get good marks".
But what's worse is when people put you down for studying. I was invited to dinner with another family and one old bloke kept calling me a nerd and why I love school so much (because I did decent year 7-9). It was weird af.
Especially because I actually didn't study much at all during 7-9, when this happened.
Of course studying a bit the night before + paying attention is going to triumph your kid who does none of those things.
/rant about old man (one of those times you wish you could go back in time and speak up for yourself).
But cruising through year 10-12 definitely
does not work at all. HSC is all about how much work you put in.