What you wear for interview?
Are you say that people who is wearing suites not get offer for med? Thanxs for advice, is good.
Actually I surprise that apperance of person matter so much for interview.
What if poor person very smart but having no suite or good cloths. Or large girl with bad skin but she so smart, nice and make good doctor. Or boy who like ties and suites and nice shoes.
Do intervewers so look at apperance making jugments like this?
Didn't say that at all, I'm just offering
my own view as to what might look nice to wear.
It is repeated, and I agree, that one of the least important things (or most unnecessarily worried about things) for UNSW med interview is what you wear. They don't use it to judge you.
However, you'd be silly to not want to look your best. It all factors into making a good impression.
So the best advice is to wear the best/ most-business-like wear
that you're comfortable in.
If you don't have fancy clothes, you don't have to get them, but if you do and you're comfortable in them, go ahead.
The reason I recommended not doing the full suit jacket was just because personally I think it looks better for an interview. It's really up to whatever you want to do as a person though.
The thing that will undeniably look best on you, no matter what, is a smile and a positive personality