Thank you guys for your replies! It really means a lot. The thing is, I just got my head into the studying habit. I nearly broke down the other day because I couldnt do a Math exam which I studied my shit off for. So I'm kind of worried that it will happen again with these 3 subjects.
I love Chemistry, I passed ALL of my exam on Chemistry topic for year 10. I love it, even I watch Breaking Bad haha. As for Physics, I want to do it so I can become an Engineer in the army. Whereas, Biology I'm having second thoughts. There's no other subjects I want to do. If I drop Biology in year 12, I will only have 9 Units left.
I'm doing Ext 1 Math btw, and Standard English. By all means doing 3 Sciences, is there any advice you guys offer me? (Please don't say, if you love it, you will do well GAHAHA). Should I buy the notes on this website? I need advice on managing time each week. I feel like blowing my brains out knowing for a fact, that my mother wants to enrol me into tutoring for Chemistry and Physics. Will my social life be gone? Will I wear myself out doing these 3 Sciences?