Let me start out by saying I don't have the philosophical wherewithal to properly debate you on god's existence. (For the record, my position is agnostic atheism.)
I do notice though that your posts here claim to establish the existence of a creator. Out of interest, do these (and other) arguments also purportedly single out Allah as the only possible creator?
It only takes a bit of logically progressive arguments to arrive at One, All-Powerful, All-Knowledgeable Creator, using what we already know from the Fine-Tuning argument and the Cosmological Argument.
Then relying on biological teleology we may deny Deism and affirm Theism, i.e. a Creator who is active in His Creation and engages in His Creation.
So we now have a personal singular Creator God, this could be the God of Judaism, of Christianity or of Islam, any other religion falls under either pantheism (which is refuted by having the Creator God being active in creation), such as Sikhism or Buddhism
Now we must delve into religious theology, we look at the religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, look at prophecy, pure theology, and so on
For one, Judaism is a religion one cannot convert to, you must be born a Jew, and for all intents and purposes Jesus Christ did fulfill the prophecies of the messiah, and so we can discount Judaism. (obviously a proper 'proof' would require a lot more arguments, and stronger arguments)
Then it comes down to affirming either Christianity or Islam, as a Muslim, I see the Trinitarian notion of God, and of God descending into the form of a man named Jesus Christ as incoherent logically and theologically. It is of ultimate blasphemy and of ultimate anthropomorphism to allow God to take the form of a man. (note: No Muslim is a Muslim unless he affirms that Jesus Christ was one of the greatest prophets of God, however he was not the son of God, and we affirm that Jesus came down with a pure monotheistic message that had been corrupted by other people)
Moreover, (and this would probably be the strongest argument for Islam being the true religion out of the Abrahamic tradition), the Prophet Muhammad was predicted in the Old and New Testament, to the extent of being mentioned by name in Songs of Solomon 5 and other areas (though the translators had mis-translated his name as 'all together lovely'). You can read more here
Also, even just looking at it logically, the God of Islam, Allah The Exalted, is the one that makes most sense:
He is free from anthropomorphism:
"There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing." - (42:11)
He is of Ultimate Unity:
"Say, 'He is Allah, who is One'. Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born. Nor is there to Him any equivalent." - (112)
And so on
There is no one single argument that you can use to show that the God of Islam is the true God, rather it would be a progressive form of argumentation, using arguments both from rationale, and from religious theology.