Re: Does anyone here do Commerce/Science? Thoughts please
Is it good degree to do
Someone call?
Yes, very much so.
Depends on what units you do, and in what order you do them. Commerce units generally have 3 contact hours per week, science units can go up to 7. So per semester your total contact hours can be as low as 12 or somewhere in the 20s. My hours personally are generally around the high teens, but you can do some semesters of less credit points if you are willing to do more than usual in others.
Again, depends what units you do. I definitely find science to be more challenging than business, but it really depends on the person. On the whole, I wouldn't say it is easy, but it isn't that hard at all if you put the effort in.
How many majors and what majors do you do?
I'm probably doing four; Accounting and Finance for Commerce, and for Science I'm doing Financial Mathematics & Statistics and another major I haven't decided on yet.
Is it reccomended?
I would definitely recommend it, both the business and science faculties at USYD are brilliant and most of the units of study are interesting and very well taught. Also I think in general this degree combination is pretty widespread and comprehensive in the skills it teaches you, which would aid you greatly in a number of areas regardless of what you end up doing for a career.
What do labs involve? I'm not such a practical
Person though but I love biology and some parts of physics
Varies from department to department. I'm not much of a practical person either but I've managed with practicals quite well in the past. For first year subjects at least, you should be given clear instructions to follow in your lab manuals.

so for someone who liked biology I would like?
Have to confess though, I am a bit of a rote learner.
Not very smart but I work hard and thats how I got an ATAR high enough for law in first place.
Some subjects are easier to rote learn than others. Critical thinking is definitely a skill you would need to develop, but it isn't something that can't be addressed with a good work ethic, which you seem OK for at the moment.
Also I would need to catch up in summerschool does USYD usually have any first year science or comm subjects over summer?
There are quite a few science subjects, especially first year ones, which are offered at Summer School. Here's a list:°reeid=0&facalias=L&rows=25. There's also an introductory geology unit (GEOS1003) available in the late session.
For Commerce you don't have much choice. INFS1000, an introductory elective course on business information systems, is the only one you can do without any first year prerequisites. Otherwise, there are a couple of the compulsory senior Finance and International Business units, and also BUSS3500, which you have to do at the end of your degree.