I think trying to learn a language without a teacher present would be really hard. My school has hired a new Japanese teacher, but my old one was seriously one of the best teachers I've ever had. I'm still sad she's left

I'm not certain how it works, but I think when they do distance ed they'll be in contact with another teacher just like how you said, and the new teacher at school will help them out here and there. However, we're lucky to have a Japanese exchange student with us till July. I'm sure he'll be a big help to them, he was always very strict making sure we didn't get anything wrong haha
Yeah it is c: Although in my case, we did have a teacher present. Just not very often haha. Besides, it's also hard, because the supervising teacher may not want to make any big decisions e.g in my class, half the time, most of the class didn't get the notification for a test, and we were informed maybe 3-5 days before the test that there was a test, meaning that half of us wanted extentions etc but the supervising teacher couldn't make the decision - she had to contact the main teacher who wasn't really contactable etc. so meh.
It's nice that you have an exchange student in your school

Wow, your school let's them teach though? Students from my old, old school used to just pester them to make origamis for us haha xD But then again we were like 8? back then lol
Thank you soo much ! you're so nice

No worries

Like I said, I admire anyone who knows what they want to do after high school

I think it's great you have something you want to do, lik eyou know your passions and everything

Especially for med since that requires dedication and committment (who's not on speaking terms with me)
I was thinking of swapping physics for business studies since it would get me an easier band 6 from what ive heard. Although my physics tutors just so breath-takingly beautiful, im copping it and take the hard road for that band 6 haha its going to be a looong 2 years. Subjects are in my sig but thinking of dropping english ext 1 and maybe advance because english sucks.
lol xD Give it a chance at least until term 3

Besides, EEXT1 might be useful in that if you stuff up your advance english, you still have a backup? Since 2 units of english is compulsory.
I'm not sure whether it's aligning or scaling, but physics does one (or both) better than business studies. On the other hand, the content is much higher, therefore you don't need that many marks to get to band 6 as opposed to business studies. It's not really easier or harder to get a band 6, the same effort is probably required to get a B6 in each subject unless you find you absorb content easier in one.